Gear Junky: Get The Rock Climbing Gear You Need


Rock Climbing Gear

Not sure what your climbing bag needs? Here’s a quick list to help you make sure you have everything you need to rock climb outdoors.

Gym climbing gear that can be used outside:

  • Harness
  • Belay device with HMS/pear-shaped locking carabiner
  • Climbing shoes
  • Chalk bag

Rock climbing gear you need to add to climb outside:

  • Dynamic rope (9.4-9.8mm, 50-70m) – thicker ropes will last longer 
  • Quickdraws – 10-12 
  • Helmet – everyone should wear one outside
  • Locker draw or maybe 2 (for the anchor) – To make a locker draw, switch out the non-locking carabiners with locking D-shaped carabiners, the non lockers can be repurposed to make an alpine extendable draw with a sewn 60cm sling or use them as bail carabiners if you can’t safely finish a climb.
  • Personal Anchor System or 120cm nylon sling 
  • Locking D-shaped caribner
  • Rope bag or rope tarp
  • Climbing pack (30-35L) – large enough to fit your stuff, including helmet and shoes
  • Climbing tape
  • First Aid Kit – small knife, ace bandage, triangular bandage, gauze pads or rolls, tweezers, nail clippers, Ibuprofen, Benadryl

Optional but NICE

  • Gri Gri 
  • Belay Gloves 
  • Stick Clip – required for areas with high first bolts or routes that are difficult before you can clip the first bolt

Remember to bring what you need to stay hydrated and fueled while you’re out climbing! 

So you have what you need to climb, but do you have what you need to climb? There’s more to a fun day at the crag then having all the right gear. Check out our Spring Clean: Climbing Edition.